Sunday summary: here's what you need to know on Feb. 28


Published: 2021-02-28 18:22

Last Updated: 2024-09-22 22:00

Sunday summary: here's what you need to know on Feb. 28
Sunday summary: here's what you need to know on Feb. 28

Earlier Sunday, the Prime Minister ordered the ministers of Justice and Interior to resign due to defense order violations.

A source revealed to Roya that Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh has ordered the Minister of Interior, Samir Mobaideen, and the Minister of Justice, Bassam Talhouni, during the cabinet session Sunday morning, to submit their resignations for violating defense laws.

The two ministers attended a dinner party at a restaurant, exceeding the permissible number of individuals in one room, contrary to defense orders.

A Royal Decree was issued approving the acceptance of the resignation of both Ministers effective immediately.

Another Royal Decree was issued approving the assignment of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Administration Tawfiq Mahmoud Krishan to run the Ministry of Interior, and the Minister of State for Legal Affairs Ahmed Nuri Mohammad al-Ziyadat to run the Ministry of Justice, as of Feb. 28.

The Public Security Directorate announced Sunday that one person has died as a result of a chemical leak in an apartment in Irbid.

According to the PSD, the deceased was identified as a 20-year-old Syrian man, who intentionally leaked the chemicals in order to kill himself, noting that rescue teams attempted to unsuccessfully resuscitate the man.

The families living in the 16 other departments were placed in a bus in order to rid the building from the chemicals.

A Roya correspondent said that civil defense and public security teams evacuated the apartments after chemical materials leaked from one of the apartments.

Former Mayor of Amman Aqel Biltaji died Sunday due to coronavirus.

He was originally from the Gaza Strip in Palestine and was appointed Mayor of the Capital by the Council of Ministers on Sept. 8, 2013. He submitted his resignation in March, 2017.

Biltaji was also a member of the Jordanian Senate and held several different positions, most notably the Advisor to His Majesty the King at the Royal Hashemite Court, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners/Aqaba Special Economic Zone and Minister of Tourism.

Sunday, the University of Jordan announced that students will no longer be allowed to enter the university campus, unless they have an in-person lecture.

In statements, the university stated that this decision comes in implementation of the defense orders issued by the Prime Minister, which recognized that education is to occur remotely for the most part, except for some lectures that are to be practically studied at the university and in the laboratories.

They added that all university library services are available electronically through their portal, and called upon students to adhere to the set measures in order to preserve the health of students, professors, and everyone else in the community.

Thousands of citizens protested in Argentina against the discrimination witnessed in vaccine distribution wherein 'VIPs' and friends of the Minister of Health, were jumping in line to receive a COVID-19 jab.

The scandal led to the resignation of the minister of health at the request of President Alberto Fernandez.

Protesters gathered, waving blue and white flags, outside government headquarters in Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, and in other cities.

They carried banners reading "Give me my vaccination", "Get away, all of you," and "Stop wasting our money."

The minister resigned last Friday after it emerged that the 75-year-old doctor had helped friends get vaccinated before their designated turn.

The scandal was revealed after a journalist revealed to the radio that thanks to his long friendship with the Minister of Health, he was able to get a vaccine in his office before the rest of the population.