Directors of different hospitals speak to Roya


Published: 2021-03-15 19:33

Last Updated: 2025-02-24 21:48

Directors of different hospitals speak to Roya
Directors of different hospitals speak to Roya

Director of Al-Bashir Hospitals Mahmoud Zureirat Monday said things are under control in the Intensive Care Unit coronavirus patients, adding that the hospital has 18 oxygen tanks.

Zureiqat added that al-Bashir is ready to open an additional department for COVID-19 patients if the need arises. Currently the occupancy rate at al-Bashir's coronavirus department stands at 72 percent, he said.

The Director of Zarqa Governmental Hospital said they have 20 tons of oxygen which will last for 'a long time.'

The Director of Amman Field Hospital saif that they currently have 207 COVID-19 patients on isolation beds.

Also Read: Amman Field Hospital has sufficient oxygen supply: director