Published: 2021-09-20 16:19
Last Updated: 2025-03-06 16:40
Orange Jordan renewed its strategic partnership with Yarmouk University for the sixth consecutive year to continue providing its support and sponsorship to the Orange Yarmouk Innovation Lab (OYIL), established in 2015 as a training platform for university students in the field of ICT.
The renewed partnership agreement was signed during a visit to Irbid Governorate by the CEO of Orange Jordan, Thierry Marigny, accompanied by several Executive Directors to meet the President of Yarmouk University, Dr. Islam Massad, who talked about the cooperation that brings together the two parties to develop the educational process, enrich the experience of university students, and prepare them for the labor market.
Orange Jordan affirmed the importance of its strategic partnerships with the educational institutions and the extended partnership with Yarmouk University, adding that higher education is a major focus in the company’s CSR strategy, initiatives, and programs emerging from it that seek to qualify graduates and students to enter the labor market efficiently and start their projects.
During the visit, Thierry Marigny was briefed about Orange Yarmouk Innovation Lab (OYIL) offerings to the students. He and Dr. Islam Massad also presented certificates to the students of the second cohort of the current academic year, who implemented their graduation projects in the lab, as well as honoring the two projects with the highest rating.
It is worth mentioning that the Yarmouk Orange Innovation Lab welcomes students in their last academic year to help them complete their practical training for six months, which is a university requirement for graduation. The number of beneficiaries of the lab has so far reached 145 graduates; The lab provides integrated training on the required professional skills and technical training that focuses on the skills of developing mobile applications across platforms and designing and developing websites.