Princess Basma takes part in 'Save The Children Jordan’s' general assembly


Published: 2021-09-26 12:01

Last Updated: 2025-02-28 10:25

Princess Basma takes part in 'Save The Children Jordan’s' general assembly
Princess Basma takes part in 'Save The Children Jordan’s' general assembly

HRH Princess Basma Bint Talal, Honorary President of Save the Children Society in Jordan, on Sunday commended the achievements the NGO managed to record over the past year despite heavy repercussions and challenges arising from the coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking at the 2020 Ordinary General Assembly of Save the Children Jordan, Her Highness expressed appreciation for the efforts made by the organization since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, through which it was able to reach targeted children and their families, and provide them with the necessary support.

Her Highness listened to a presentation by the Executive Director of Save the Children Jordan, Diala Al Khamra, on the NGO's efforts during the pandemic and the various programs and activities that it has implemented.

Al Khamra said that the organization reached about 120,000 children, adolescents, women and families in 2020, indicating that the Save the Children Jordan realigned its programs and interventions to respond to the pandemic.

Furthermore, Al Khamra added that her organization was keen to secure decent livelihoods for the targeted families in a number of regions of the Kingdom and refugee camps.

Save the Children Jordan also launched a series of advocacy campaigns to drum up support needed to ensure a better future for children in all regions of the Kingdom, including refugee children.