New-Yorkers celebrate year of rabbit at Chinatown's Lunar New Year Parade


Published: 2023-02-13 14:00

Last Updated: 2025-03-01 19:36

New-Yorkers celebrate year of rabbit at Chinatown's Lunar New Year Parade
New-Yorkers celebrate year of rabbit at Chinatown's Lunar New Year Parade

New-Yorkers celebrate the year of the rabbit at Chinatown's annual Lunar New Year parade, with lion dances, confetti and hopes of a peaceful world.

Parade goer Kevin Chen told AFP "I hope the world is going to be peaceful for the coming a year and everybody is going to be happy. You know, if anything good happens to people that will be great."

Another person who took part in the celebration, Susan Chan, said "I wanted to bring my children to get to know more about their culture. This is actually the first time at the parade and actually for me, I was born and raised in Chinatown, but I never came to the parade myself, so this is my first time as well."

A tourist from New Jersey who watched the parade said "It feels like things are you know, getting back to normal, there's a ton of people here. Everybody's excited to be here and I'm excited too and it feels really great. I feel the energy of the city again."