Social Security announces 5 percent maximum increase on voluntary insured salaries for 2024


Published: 2024-01-07 09:28

Last Updated: 2025-03-01 03:57

Social Security announces 5 percent maximum increase on voluntary insured salaries for 2024
Social Security announces 5 percent maximum increase on voluntary insured salaries for 2024

The Social Security Corporation (SSC) announced that the annual increase percentage for the year 2024 on the salary subject to social security deduction for voluntarily insured beneficiaries is a maximum of five percent, according to a statement issued by the Corporation.

The Corporation confirmed that all voluntarily insured participants can adjust the percentage of the annual increase on their salaries subject to deduction for the year 2024 during the period from Jan. 1, 2024 to Feb. 15, 2024.

It added that participants who voluntarily joined before Jan. 1, 2019 will retain the percentage increase on their salaries that they specified before that date, which is not tied to the annual change and will remain in effect if their voluntary subscription is not stopped. If they do not adjust this increase on their salaries subject to deduction, they will continue to receive the previously specified percentage.

The Corporation pointed out that the service to adjust the annual increase is available electronically by accessing the personal account of the insured person on its website or through its smartphone application or through the government app (Sanad). Users can select the request to adjust the percentage of the annual increase from the optional services for affiliates. If this increase is not requested during the specified period, no increase will be applied to the salary subject to social security, and it will remain as it was in the year 2023.

It stated that the percentage increase on the salaries of voluntarily insured beneficiaries under social security is not fixed and changes annually based on the increase in the average wages. It is reviewed in November of each year based on the annual growth rate of the average wages at the Corporation. The ceiling for the increase in the salary of the voluntarily insured is twice the growth rate of the average wages, provided that the adopted percentage does not fall below five percent and does not exceed 10 percent annually.

The Corporation invited all voluntarily insured participants to contact them for any inquiries or questions through the live chat service on its website or by calling from inside Jordan at (117117) or from inside and outside Jordan at (065008080) or through its official email [email protected].