What will weather be like Saturday, Sunday?


Published: 2024-04-13 07:49

Last Updated: 2025-03-02 16:50

What will weather be like Saturday, Sunday?
What will weather be like Saturday, Sunday?

Saturday’s weather will be mild in most areas, and warm in the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba, with clouds forming at medium and high altitudes, especially in the east of the kingdom. Winds will be moderate in speed, shifting northwestward, occasionally picking up - per the Jordan Meteorological Department’s forecasts.

Temperatures will be relatively cold at night in most areas, and mild in the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba, with clouds appearing at medium and high altitudes, especially in eastern Jordan. Winds will maintain a moderate speed, coming from the northwest.

On Sunday, daytime temperatures will remain mild in most areas, and warm in the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba, with clouds forming at medium and high altitudes, particularly in the east of the kingdom. There is a possibility of scattered rain showers in parts of the northeastern desert in the late afternoon and for a limited period. Winds will be moderate in speed, predominantly from the northwest, occasionally picking up.

During the night, temperatures will be relatively cold in most areas, and mild in the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba, with clouds continuing at medium and high altitudes, especially in the east of the kingdom. Winds will maintain a moderate speed, coming from the northwest.

Temperatures today in East Amman will range between 24-12 degrees Celsius, while in West Amman it will be 22-10 degrees. In the northern highlands, temperatures will range from 19-9 degrees, and in the Sharah Mountains from 20-8 degrees.

In the desert areas, temperatures will range from 27-12 degrees, and in the plains from 23-13 degrees. In the northern Jordan Valley, temperatures will range from 30-16 degrees, while in the central Jordan Valley it will be 31-17 degrees, and in the southern Jordan Valley 32-18 degrees.

Temperatures at the Dead Sea will range from 31-17 degrees, and in the Gulf of Aqaba, it will be 32-18 degrees Celsius.

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