'Israeli' delegation heads to Cairo Tuesday to discuss prisoner swap


Published: 2024-04-29 07:59

Last Updated: 2024-08-09 20:11

Red Cross carrying captives during the first exchange deal
Red Cross  carrying captives during the first exchange deal

An "Israeli" delegation is set to travel to Cairo on Tuesday to discuss a prisoner exchange deal with Hamas and a ceasefire in Gaza, according to "Israeli" media.

Senior Hamas official Khalil Al-Hayya announced that the movement had received a response from the Israeli Occupation regarding its stance, which had been submitted to Egyptian and Qatari mediators on April 13.

Al-Hayya stated early Saturday that Hamas would review the proposal and deliver a response upon completion.

A member of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" affirmed that the movement is engaged in serious negotiations for a permanent ceasefire and a genuine exchange deal.

Al-Hayya had previously welcomed American statements about the potential for reaching an exchange deal and ceasefire, noting that the movement is awaiting a response to its position from the Israeli Occupation and mediators.

He added that the American statements came before Hamas received any response from the Israeli Occupation or mediators.

He also noted that the resistance does not want to hold its captives, emphasizing their seriousness about releasing them through agreement and serious negotiations.

Al-Hayya confirmed that the lack of progress in negotiations is due to the obstinacy of the Israeli Occupation, and the real issue is their refusal to accept a ceasefire and withdraw from the Strip.

He mentioned that the Israeli Occupation had rejected a proposal to exchange one soldier for 50 Palestinian prisoners, including 30 with life sentences.

Yedioth Ahronoth reported on the details of an Egyptian proposal, stating that the proposal includes the release of all "Israeli" captives and the agreement to a ceasefire for one year, and the cancellation of the Rafah invasion.


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