Japan grants $697,492 to support detention center in Russeifa


Published: 2021-07-01 17:28

Last Updated: 2025-02-25 01:01

Japan grants $697,492 to support detention center in Russeifa
Japan grants $697,492 to support detention center in Russeifa

The Government of Japan has decided to extend a grant USD 697,492 to a Japanese Non-Government Organization, Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development (NICCOD) for the capacity enhancement of the Detention Center in Russeifa.

A grant contract was signed on July 1, 2021 by Mr. ARAIKE Katsuhiko, Charge d’affaires and Mr. KITAGAKI Kenta, Country Representative of NICCOD Jordan Office.

This project is the second phase of a three-year project and the Government of Japan extended a grant of USD 448,231 for the first phase.

This grant assistance aims to support the capacity enhancement of the Osama Ben-Zaid Detention Center, which is a pre-trial detention and rehabilitation facility for boys between 16 and 18 years old located in Russeifa, Zarqa.

The project aims at improving environment of correctional education and rehabilitation activities at the center, developing capacity of staffs for psychological support, and exchanging opinions with local communities and the center.

All the activities will be implemented utilizing Japan’s experience and knowledge in this field in order to contribute to the reduction of the recidivism of juvenile criminals in Jordan and to support the center to be a bridge between juveniles and society.

Although Jordan preserves a considerable level of peace and stability at the heart of the Middle East, Jordan is still vulnerable to the region’s volatility amid a growing risk of radicalization and destabilization of economy since the onset of Syrian crisis.

Under this circumstance, it is critically important to enhance the capacity of justice system in order to provide and implement appropriate rehabilitation and social reintegration program as well as to reduce the repetition of the crime after the release of inmates. Based on this recognition, the government of Japan has decided to extend the grant assistance continuously for the second phase of above-mentioned three-year project aiming to contribute to maintain the stability of Jordan and also, of the region.

NICCOD is a Japanese Non-Government Organization that has been working for emergency relief and supporting self-reliance with in consideration to the environment since 1979. Subsequent to launching a micro credit project in Karak in 1993, NICCOD has been implementing a wide range of projects in various area across Jordan.

Since the onset of Syrian crisis, it has been engaging in humanitarian support activities for Syrian refugees and Jordanian impoverished people living in Zarqa and its activities have also been expanded to Zaatari refugee camp since August 2014.