Government to establish central operations room to monitor children's homes


Published: 2023-06-25 06:48

Last Updated: 2025-02-27 12:02

Government to establish central operations room to monitor children's homes
Government to establish central operations room to monitor children's homes

Currently, there are 20 children's homes in Jordan, including four government-run homes and 16 volunteer homes, according to the Director of the Family and Childhood Directorate at the Ministry of Social Development Amal Rihani.

These shelters are home to approximately 680 children up to 18 years of age and operate under the umbrella of the ministry, she explained.

Regarding the supervision of these shelters, Rihani confirmed that inspections and oversight operations are conducted on a daily basis and around the clock.

She disclosed that the ministry is establishing a central control room to monitor all shelters in Jordan.

The Director General of the Princess Taghreed Foundation Aghadir Jweihan said that the main dilemma for those in care homes is that after they turn 18 years old, they are often taken advantage of or avoided in society.

She told Roya that children with special needs receive the care they need, noting that there are approximately 190 children who suffer from learning difficulties, among other difficulties.