Several universities suspend attendance Sunday


Published: 2023-08-11 19:10

Last Updated: 2025-03-01 12:02

Several universities suspend attendance Sunday
Several universities suspend attendance Sunday

Several universities announced that they will be suspending attendance Sunday in light of the upcoming heatwave expected to affect the Kingdom.

-Yarmouk University-

The President of Yarmouk University Islam Massad decided to suspend student attendance Sunday, provided that it will be compensated Thursday (Aug. 17).

The university also announced that all exams scheduled for Saturday and Sunday will be postponed.

-Al Albayt University and Al Hussein bin Talal University-

Al al-Bayt University in Mafraq and Al Hussein bin Talal University decided to switch to distance learning Sunday and reschedule all exams that students are supposed to sit for Sunday.

Staff members of both universities will finish work early at 1 pm, except for those whose work requires otherwise.

-Hashemite University-

Thursday, Hashemite University announced proactive steps to ensure the safety and well-being of its students and staff in light of the upcoming heatwave, including switching to distance learning.

Also Read: Hashemite University shifts Sunday lectures online amid heatwave