Published: 2021-07-29 06:51
Last Updated: 2025-02-25 06:41
Thursday, the Minister of Health, Feras al-Hawari, said that the government does not want to return to distance learning, stressing that education will be in-person next semester.
Hawari expressed his optimism, despite the expected rise in the number of coronavirus cases in Jordan.
He indicated that 20 percent of COVID-19 cases in Jordan involve those under the age of 18.
He lastly pointed out that 15,000 children were vaccinated against the coronavirus in one day.
July 25, the Ministry of Health decided to reduce the age of vaccination against the coronavirus to 12 years and without prior appointment.
The ministry indicated that the vaccination will be optional. The Pfizer vaccine will be used specifically for those under the age of 18, and with the consent of a parent or legal guardian.