Catholic churches in Jordan observe their 24th annual pilgrimage


Published: 2024-01-12 11:22

Last Updated: 2024-08-29 02:02

Catholic churches in Jordan observe their 24th annual pilgrimage
Catholic churches in Jordan observe their 24th annual pilgrimage

Catholic churches in Jordan marked Friday morning, the 24th annual National Christian Pilgrimage Day with a mass celebration at the site of the Baptism of Jesus - Al-Maghtas.

The solemn service was presided over by His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem and head of the Council of Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land.

During the ceremony, hymns and prayers were offered for the cessation of war and aggression in the Gaza Strip.

The ceremony, held at the Baptism Site Church, was attended by various dignitaries, including the Deputy Patriarch of the Latin Church in Jordan, Bishop Jamal Dababseh, and the heads of Catholic dioceses in Petra and Philadelphia, Joseph Jbara.

The Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Giovanni Dal Toso, and representatives from Maronite, Syriac, Chaldean, and Armenian churches, along with numerous priests, members of parliament, and diplomatic corps, also participated.

Thousands of believers from different regions of the Kingdom attended as well.

Prior to the mass, the Catholic Center for Studies and Media held a press conference with Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, and Dr. Imad Hijazin, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, representing Minister Makram Al-Qaisi.

The conference addressed the significance of the event, highlighting the first time Cardinal Pizzaballa led the mass since his appointment by Pope Francis last September. The event served as a notable papal gesture to amplify the voice of the Holy Land, specifically Jerusalem, within both the Catholic and international arenas.

Father Rafat Badr, the Director of the Center, noted that this year's pilgrimage coincided with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Middle East Council of Churches. He highlighted the ecumenical and fraternal journey uniting various Christian families and churches in the Middle East: the Catholic family, the Orthodox family, the Eastern Orthodox family, and the Evangelical family.

Father Badr mentioned that this year's pilgrimage prayers focused on peace in Palestine, an end to the aggression in Gaza, and the smooth delivery of humanitarian aid to the affected people.

He commended Jordan's efforts, led by King Abdullah and Crown Prince Hussein, in various political, diplomatic, and humanitarian aspects. The prayers also extended gratitude for Jordan's Armed Forces' significant contributions, including field hospitals in Gaza and the West Bank, aiding the Palestinian people, especially in the Holy Family and St. Porphyrius Churches during the Christmas period.

Father Badr expressed appreciation for the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the Tourism Board, and the Baptism Site Commission, headed by His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad.

He acknowledged their tireless efforts to promote religious tourism to the Kingdom, including recent meetings between Minister Makram Al-Qaisi and Vatican officials in Italy.

These meetings aimed to enhance Christian pilgrimage, culminating in the announcement of the Year of John the Baptist in 2023, commemorating the 2000th anniversary of Christ's baptism in this sacred region.

Father Badr expressed gratitude to the Jordanian Army and all security agencies for their cooperation in the success of the annual pilgrimage. He also thanked various participants, including scouts, youth groups, preparatory committees, chanting teams, and the clergy from the Ecclesiastical Institute in Bethlehem, Palestine, along with attendees from different regions of the Kingdom.

Cardinal Pizzaballa, in turn, acknowledged a recent meeting with heads of churches and Islamic figures in Jordan and Palestine, particularly from Jerusalem, days before Christmas, where they had the opportunity to thank King Abdullah for his noble stance in support of the people in Gaza.

From the Baptism Site, Cardinal Pizzaballa renewed the call for an immediate end to violence, destruction, and displacement.

He emphasized that this year's celebrations, similar to Christmas, would focus on religious rituals as a tribute to the martyrs, with prayers for the healing of the wounded. The entire mass would be dedicated to silencing the war and allowing charitable organizations and humanitarian agencies to deliver their assistance.

Cardinal Pizzaballa urged the international community to coordinate efforts, following the guidance of Pope Francis and King Abdullah, for a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue based on a two-state solution and a special status for Jerusalem.

In his closing statement, Cardinal Pizzaballa extended greetings to Jordan, commending King Abdullah on the silver jubilee of his reign. He encouraged dialogue and collaboration between Muslims and Christians, inviting pilgrims worldwide to visit Jordan. He expressed appreciation for the efforts of the Baptism Site Trustees Council, the Ministry of Tourism, the Tourism Board, the Baptism Site Commission, the churches, and everyone contributing to the vital tourism sector in Jordan, fostering connections between local and global churches.

Dr. Imad Hajazin thanked Cardinal Pizzaballa for presiding over the celebratory mass for the Catholic Churches' pilgrimage. He acknowledged the tourism sector's challenges due to the aggression on Gaza, emphasizing that Jordan's current priority is to halt the ongoing aggression, after which the tourism sector can thrive again.

Regarding future plans to increase religious tourism to the Kingdom, Hajazin highlighted the ministry's diligent efforts under the directives of King Abdullah. Minister Makram Al-Qaisi recently held crucial meetings in the Vatican City and with the Italian Minister of Tourism to encourage Christian pilgrimage to Jordan.

After the press conference, the pilgrimage procession, led by scout groups, departed from the Russian Pilgrims' Center, proceeding solemnly to the Baptism Site Church. During the mass, Patriarch Pizzaballa sprinkled blessed water from the Jordan River, inaugurating the annual pilgrimage to this historically significant site.

Bishop Jamal Dababseh delivered the sermon, reflecting on the spiritual meanings of baptism. He emphasized the call for Christians to contribute to the Kingdom of God – a realm of justice, peace, and love. The focus of prayers during this year's celebration was peace in Palestine, ending the aggression in Gaza, and facilitating humanitarian aid delivery.

Cardinal Pizzaballa urged international collaboration, echoing Pope Francis and King Abdullah's calls for a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue. He expressed greetings to Jordan, encouraging dialogue and unity between Muslims and Christians, and invited pilgrims worldwide to visit Jordan.